Mr. Rick Noorman
Curriculum Director |
Latin l and ll, English 10, Speech and Debate |
Music Assistant, Piano Player for Choir |
American Literature, Journalism, |
Business Law, Government, Psychology, US History, World History |
Church History I and II, Cults, New Testament Survey |
Band Instructor |
Choirs, Art I and II |
English 9, British Literature |
American Literature, English 10, Senior Writing |
Physical Science, Biology, Advanced Biology |
Health, PE |
Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science |
Mr. Trevor MinderhoudPhysical Science B
Spanish I, ll, and III |
Algebra l and II, Chemistry |
Accounting I and II, Economics |
Administrative Staff
Office Manager |
Counselor |
Mrs. Jennifer KalsbeekCounselor Assistant |
Mr. Rick DeVries
Assistant Principal, Tech Coordinator
Modern World History, Government,
Mr. Seth PennaGeometry |
Orchestra |
Algebra II, AP Statistics, FST |
Algebra C&S, American Literature, Geometry, English 9 |
Computer Programming |
Athletic Director |
Facilities Manager, Janitor |
Computer Applications, Senior Writing, US History, World History |
Biology, Geometry C&S, Anatomy and Physiology |
Geometry, FST, Pre-Calculus |
Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Psychology, Physical Science |
Church History I and II |
US History, Church History II, Worldviews, Global Issues |
Special Education Director |
Special Education |
Special Education |
Academic Support |
Academic Support |
Mrs. Heidi MoweryAcademic Support |
Academic Support |
Miss Jenna HovingMedia Specialist |