
Planned Absence Policy
Parent Requested Planned Absence: Occasionally parents may decide that certain experiences or family needs may warrant a student’s absence. Such absences are limited to a maximum of five days per school year and may not be taken in the last five days of class for the semester. During a planned absence the student must be accompanied by the parent, guardian, or other adult appointed by the parent.

The following procedures will apply: 1. Parents must make the request to the office at least 2 days prior to the absence. The request is then approved by the attendance supervisor. The attendance supervisor reserves the right to withhold permission for any requested absence based on the student’s prior attendance record and academic performance. 2. An email will be sent informing each of his/her teachers. The student should follow up with each teacher to make arrangements for making up the work that will be missed and to provide the necessary materials. It is possible that some assignments or labs, because of the nature of them, cannot be made up. It will be up to the teacher to decide how to handle these. It may involve an alternate assignment or a lower grade.

Printable Work Permits
Work Permit for Under 16
Work Permit for 16 & 17

Order your yearbook here: 2023-2024 Yearbook

The Daily Announcements

Monday, May 27
Tuesday, May 28
Wednesday, May 29
Thursday, May 30
Friday, May 31

Requested Announcements

Facts SIS Parent and Student Login

The Courier is a publication distributed by the board of Covenant Christian High School and gives the board an opportunity to communicate with all the constituents.

Winter 2024
Winter 2023
Summer 2022

Fall 2021
Winter 2020
Summer 2019
Fall 2018
Spring 2018 (50th Anniversary)
Fall 2017
Summer 2017
Fall 2016
Summer 2016
Fall 2015
Summer 2015
Winter/Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Spring 2014

Parent Guide topical index of information regarding events, opportunities, policies and procedures.

2023-24 Parent Student Handbook outlines the rules for our school.

The Heritage is the yearbook for Covenant Christian High School.