Mr. Brian Kalsbeek

Hello all, my name is Brian Kalsbeek and I am off and running! I have begun a new race that our LORD in His perfect plan has placed in front of me. My wife’s name is Jennifer and the LORD has blessed us with 4 children, Cole, Owen, Grace, and Clair. We are members at Hope PRC and our favorite thing to do mainly is to stay around home and hang out or vacation with our family. We do enjoy spending time with our Cross Country family also and being involved with various running activities. Until now, I had been working at Meulenberg Painting for about 17 years and overall I’ve been in the painting business for just over 30. I have also been coaching Cross Country here at Covenant for the past 15 years. Ever since high school, the painting business is all I ever knew. I was as happy and content as a painter possibly could be. I fully believed that was where I would be for the rest of my life. In just over a couple short months, however, that all changed. Our LORD used the means of our principal here at school, who put a bug in my ear to think about the Guidance Counselor opening. To be honest my initial thought, after it was brought up to me and I was given some information about the job was, ABSOLUTELY NOT!! It’s just way too much, way too overwhelming, and it’s way too late in life for me to start all over again. The more I thought about it though, the more I could not stop thinking about it! Our LORD was now also using encouragement and conversations with a few others. He used past life experiences, and most of all the blessing of coaching the XC teams here at CCHS to convince me that it was His will that I, at the very least, had to give it a shot! One of my greatest passions in life, especially since beginning to coach, had become this growing love to be around the students and around this school! My prayer was that our LORD would use me (a very weak tool) to help and encourage kids in any way possible in their Christian walk based on my past experiences. So here I am today to serve you as best I can, in any way I possibly can. PLEASE know that! I am very aware of my weaknesses and the lack of knowledge I have when it comes to the majority of what this job entails. So, I will need your patience and help to even come close to figuring it all out and accomplishing one goal at a time. I encourgage you to reach out to me anytime with advice or to share with me anything that you feel I could assist you in. Again, my passion and joy is to help and encourage these students, and the rest I will have to figure out with your help. I have so much to learn, but I am extremely 13 excited to be here, and a big reason for that is the staff that is here and the energy they bring to this school each day! I have felt it already!

1 Peter 4:10 “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

Contact:  Brian Kalsbeek