Thursday, February 6


1. STUDENT COUNCIL is collecting money to purchase Lego sets and Lego set donations (specifically cars, trucks, and other vehicles) from now through homecoming week. These will be for Braydan to build while he is in the hospital and donate to the Child Life Program at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. Donations can be dropped off in the office. Thank you!

2. INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL: Teams 3, 6, 7, and 13 play today at 11:55 AM

3. CARDS FOR STEFAN: Please write a message for Stefan Rau on one of the cards on the table outside of the teachers' lounge by Friday.

4. STUDENT COUNCIL meets in the gym at 7:00AM.

5. ATTENTION JUNIORS: The Guidance Counselor meeting schedule for next week is now hanging on the glass by the Guidance Office door. Mr. Kalsbeek will be meeting with you to begin talking about your schedules for next year and some goals/plans you might have for your future.

6. Boys Volleyball Meeting tomorrow in Mrs. Burchett's Room. Anyone interested in trying out or playing this year, please bring your lunches at noon. Thanks!

7. AFTERNOON SHUTTLE BUS (2/6&2/7): No afternoon shuttle bus today or tomorrow.

8. HOT LUNCH: Pizza will be sold tomorrow for $1.50 per slice. Gluten free pizza will be in the office.

9. INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL: Intramural basketball games will begin this week Saturday. Games will be 12:30 – 1:30 PM. See the schedule posted in the hall going to the gym.

10. BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Mark your calendars for boys volleyball open gym on February 18th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at CCHS and on February 25 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at CCHS! See you there!

Thursday Feb 6
Boys 9 & JV HOME vs Holland Chr 9th at 5:30 PM, JV at 7:00 PM
Girls 9 & JV AWAY vs Holland Chr 9th at 5:00 PM, JV at 6:30 PM at High School

Friday, Feb 7
JV Girls AWAY vs Grandville at 4:00 PM
G & B Varsity AWAY vs Holland Chr at Civic Center Girls at 6:00 PM, Boys at 7:30 PM

Saturday, Feb 8
JV/Var Boys AWAY vs North Muskegon JV at 1:00 PM, Varsity at 3:00 PM